The Boss endorses Kamala Harris, repudiates Donald Trump

The Boss endorses Kamala Harris, repudiates Donald Trump

These three minutes of Bruce Springsteen speaking about the importance of the 2024 elections and endorsing Kamala Harris are epic. Known as “The Boss” for his leadership and ensuring his musicians got paid, Bruce Springsteen has never been quiet about his opinions. The singer of New Jersey’s unofficial state song, “Born to Run,” praises the … Read more

Listen to Willie Nelson's lovely take on the Flaming Lips' "Do You Realize??" and the Lips' response

Listen to Willie Nelson's lovely take on the Flaming Lips' "Do You Realize??" and the Lips' response

On Willie Nelson’s forthcoming 153rd album, Last Leaf On The Tree, he covers The Flaming Lips’s 2005 psych ballad “Do you realize??” Unsurprisingly, Nelson makes the song his own and it is sublime. Listen below. And then, further below, watch the Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne and Steven Drozd listen to their song reimagined and reborn … Read more

White people in the 80s rapping about karate

White people in the 80s rapping about karate

“The Karate Rap” is a 1986 rap song by David and Holly Seeger that helped promote their then-fledging media production company. As they explain on their website: While idling on the L.I.E. in rush hour, they passed the time coming up with lyrics with a Martial Arts theme. “Sensei Dave” had always had a reputation … Read more