Texas man wastes $4k smashing a Taylor Swift “themed” guitar

Texas man wastes k smashing a Taylor Swift “themed” guitar

A North Texas man recently spent $4000 on a guitar he believed was signed by Taylor Swift at the Ellis County Wild Game Dinner in Waxahachie, Texas, and then immediately destroyed it with a hammer. Sounds like the guitar was an imposter. the white-haired man is seen grabbing the guitar and repeatedly hitting it with … Read more

Man face to face with moose makes a mistake (video)

Man face to face with moose makes a mistake (video)

A man in Maine says he is “extremely lucky to escape with only a few bumps & bruises” after coming face to face with a bull moose. And by the look of the elk, who stares down the man with a wide, terrified side-eye, the man is also lucky to be alive. In video the … Read more