Source of famed Wow! signal likely found

Source of famed Wow! signal likely found

On August 15, 1977, Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope detected a strong narrowband signal. Upon reviewing the results, Astronomer Jerry R. Ehman wrote, “Wow!” and circled “6EQUJ5” on the printout. The letters indicated intensity, with the “U indicating an intensity 30 standard deviations above background noise. The observatory’s director subsequently described the signal … Read more

Wow! Compare Harris and Trump phone calls to VP picks (video)

Wow! Compare Harris and Trump phone calls to VP picks (video)

Kamala Harris posted a video of the phone call she made this morning asking Gov. Tim Walz to join her on the 2024 ticket, and comparing it to the same call Trump made asking Vance to be his running mate perfectly sums up the stark differences between the two parties. While a beaming Harris started … Read more